Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Tips and Tricks Log More Than One Account In Time Together

Multifox,More Than One Account login Along Time

If you have more than one account from a service such as Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter and you use the Mozilla Firefox Browser, then you can only login with one account at the same time,right? Multifox is an extension of Mozilla Firefox which allows the Mozilla Firefox browser can be connected with a website, such as Gmail,then you can open all your Gmail account at the same time.Every window of Firefox can access all your account without disturbing each other.
Here's how to use it :
  • Visit the official site Multifox using Mozilla Firefox Browser to download it at
  • If the website has appeared, look at the top right of the site. You'll find posts [Install Extension] like this :

  • Click on the sign.
  • So at the top right of the note [Allow], like this :

  • Click on that button.
  • Wait a few second until the dialog box appears like this :

  • Afterthat, click [Install Now].
  • Then the installation process was running. When finished, it will ask to restart Firefox.

  • Restart Firefox.
For how to use it, follow the steps below :
  • Open your account the first in the firefox browser as normal, such as Facebook.
  • Then go to your Facebook account that the two ways :
  • Select [File] > [New Indentity Profile]
  • It will appear a new Firefox window,this is where you can open your Facebook account to another, without disturbing the first.
  • But slightly different,if you look on the right side of Address bar, then you will look like this :

  • I'm sure you already know what it means
Here are some features of Multifox :
  • Username and password will be stored in the same way as ordinary window without using Multifox, even when you close the window or out of Firefox.
  • Profile and identity of each window are save and can be re-used when Firefox is reopened.
  • The new window is opened will have the same profile as the iddentity of their origin window is opened.
  • Multifox starts from 2, because one is considered as a normal Firefox identity profile.
At the time I tried this extension, I use Mozilla Firefox version 3.6.3 and success.If you are interested in using it and you feel that this extension you need,please immediately try it.Good Luck
Nb : Already available for Mozilla Firefox 5


razone wanennoor mengatakan...

berkunjung ya,, ditunggu kunjunganya balik

Aban6 mengatakan...

than'x gan dh mampir...d tunggu kunjungan balik'y dh....

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